Video Calling Tips

Video Calling Tips
        The year 2020, began with a lot of expectations. Everyone thought it would be a year full of celebrations. Maybe God had his way of making it a happening year. It turned out that the humans were locked up in their houses as the nature healed itself. People who only knew to run in rat race, live a superfast life, work hard and party double hard had to change their plans as the world suddenly came to a grinding halt. The total lockdown of all the big countries of the world, made it compulsory to stay where they are for months together.
        People feared stepping out of their houses to save themselves. Avoided meeting their old parents to keep them away from any exposure to the deadly Corona Virus. Offices and Business houses had to be only Work from Home.

         “Man is a social animal,” is known to all of us. Man needs to connect with their family and friends. Luckily, in this time of crisis we all can see and talk to our friends and family sitting hundreds of miles away from us on a video call.  The video calls and online meetings are a big saviour in these times, so that offices and work can be taken care of even though people are not supposed to leave their houses.

        This generation is totally living in the digital world and with technology being at its best we have quite a few platforms for video calling and virtual meetings like WhatsApp calling, Facetime, Skype calls, Zoom meetings, Jio meetings and Google meet to name a few. The video calls have become a part of daily life now but the most tech challenged are the senior citizens who are struggling to living alone and use their smart phones to meet their family and friends and getting along with this new norm of life. The elders of the family are trying to adapt to this new way of life with a few glitches. Here are a few tips for video calling which might help the seniors and maybe kept in mind by the younger generation so they can make it smooth for their elders to connect to them.

Tips for Video Calling:
·      Decide the platform on which the video call is going to placed. Make sure they have that app on their smart phones or their laptops or Ipad. Guide them to download the app or send them a link to download the same.


·      Video calls require Internet or Wifi. Make sure they have the internet connection or wifi available so that they can connect easily. Change their mobile plan to a higher amount as all they have to give them company is their phone, Youtube, Facebook and video calls, all of these need mobile data.

·      Video calls starts the Camera: from the minute one accepts the call the camera starts. Most of the seniors do not realize that and are found in awkward situations so much that they are afraid to pick up video calls. They feel they do not look good or are not dressed well. Some are caught in their bathrooms, simply because they are not ready for the camera to shoot them. So, make it clear to them that the camera starts immediately.

·      Make an Appointment beforehand: It is always better to inform the other that we will call you at this time so that they are not caught off guard and also are happily ready for that call. Let them know we are going to make a video call at 5:00 pm by messaging or calling them. This way they will be ready to face the camera.


·      Understand the light setting: it surely helps if they understand the light settings. Let the seniors know that they should be facing the light, then only can their face be seen nicely on the camera. If they sit in a dull room they will not be seen clearly on the camera. If the light comes from behind the light will be reflected and they will not be seen at all. If it is clear to them they will make sure they sit in one of most well lit area of their house ready to meet their loved ones, happily.

·      Hold the phone properly: whenever one has a video call there is a screen where you can see yourself. This is exactly how the others can see you on their screen. If you hold your phones properly or place your Ipad and laptops in such a manner that you can be seen easily. Make sure the phone is at a little distance so that your full face can be seen. If it is held too close to the face only a part of your face is seen like only your nose and eyes or only your chin, which totally beats the purpose of having a video call.

Wrong way 
Correct way 

  •             Connect your headphones: it is always better to connect their headphones, airpods etc to hear the conversation clearly and also speak clearly so that the listener can hear you easily.

·      If more participants on Zoom calls or any other platforms: As we know that now a lot of condolence meetings, weddings, webinars are done on the Zoom or Jio meet platforms. It is better if they know that there can be many pages if there are more participants and that they need to swipe right to move across and see everyone. The seniors will also get the confidence to attend a few webinars of their liking without having to step out of their dens. 
   Let us all accept the video calling as the new norm of life and let our elders also be a part of it willingly and happily.

Happy Video Calling!!!


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